As we celebrate January as National Mentoring Month, we recently asked volunteer mentor, JD Danielson, to share some of his experience.
What made you interested in becoming a mentor at Christ’s Haven?
After stepping down as a ministry leader at church youth groups for over 15 years, I asked God where he wanted to use me in the next chapter of my life. He didn’t take long and through my wife, I heard about an opportunity to mentor a set of brothers at Christ’s Haven. I set up a meeting with Dan Franks and committed then to respond to this new calling God had placed on my heart.
What has been your favorite part of being a mentor?
This is a tough question because there are so many good things that come with being a mentor, but my favorite part is spending the one on one time with these young men and getting to see them grow and mature in all areas of life. From helping teach them how to drive, to picking out a tuxedo for prom, to getting to see them walk across the stage and graduate, it all brings much joy to my life.
What are the typical ways you interact with your mentee?
I love to interact with my mentees in several ways, here are just a few. Going out to eat, going to the movies, going bowling or to play laser tag, skateboarding, fishing, hanging out at my house and playing pool or ping pong, going to the mall, or one of my favorites; the summer youth trips.
Why would you tell someone it was important for volunteers to become mentors?
The most important reason is because the young people need us and they need the Lord. They need positive influences and encouragers in their lives. The other great reason is because of the blessing you receive when getting to know and grow with your mentee. It brings a sense of joy and fulfillment to your life as you serve others.
What skills or abilities does a good mentor have to offer?
There are no “special” skills needed to be a mentor, but I always use 5 qualities that I believe make a great Mentor and lead to maximum impact in the life of your mentee:
1 – Be supportive
2 – Be a good listener
3 – Push them… but just enough
4 – Be authentic
5 – Show them Christ’s love
Thank you to JD and all of our volunteer mentors for their support and dedication to the youth at Christ’s Haven.
If you are interested, you can READ MORE HERE about becoming a volunteer mentor.