Christ’s Haven Clay Shoot Co-Chairs

A Message from Christ’s Haven Clay Shoot Inaugural Event Co-Chairs, Quinn Moser & Tim Philpot:

โ€œDuring the early years of their marriage, two of our team members atย Preservation Financial Wealth Managementย were foster parents for a young man. They learned of the real need for supporting children who find themselves in distressed situations. Later in life, these same team members became acquainted with Christโ€™s Havenโ€™s programs for children along with their commitment to glorifying Jesus Christ. How could we not be partnered with a quality organization such as Christโ€™s Haven?โ€

We are grateful for Quinn & Tim’s leadership as they help plan Christ’s Haven’s inaugural Clay Shoot on August 24. The event will include a fun day on the 15-station sporting clay course atย Northlake Shooting Sportsย with facilitation by highly skilled instructors.

A variety of sponsorships for greater visibility and marketing of your business are now available. Any remaining individual and team registrations will be available July 17. You can read more information HERE.

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North Texas Giving Day is September 19.

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