Month: May 2023

Summer Needs

School is almost out, and we are excited for a FUN summer! Through our Summer Rec program, we have all kinds of events and activities planned.

With kids home from school, we will go through a lot of everyday items that are part of a fun, active summer.

We would love your help creating special summer memories by donating items from our Summer Needs List.

You can drop off donations at the Christ’s Haven Office, 4200 Keller Haslet Road, Mon-Thu from 8:00am-4:00pm or Fri from 8:00am-1:00pm.

Summer Needs List:

bottled water
fresh fruit
paper plates & paper towels
OTC kids allergy meds
Neosporin & Bandaids
bug spray
spray sunscreen

30th Annual Christ’s Haven Golf Classic


The results are in!

Thank you to all of the sponsors, golfers, and volunteers who helped raise $82,000 last week at the 30th annual Christ’s Haven Golf Classic.

These funds will be used to help fund our Residential Program and College & Career Readiness Programs for displaced youth.
Congratulations to our tournament winners:

1st Place – Jeremy Atkinson, Hunter Holloway, Cade Isham, Kallan Walters

2nd Place – Brandon Cox, Kevin Christ, Marc Luchessi, Jay Williams

Thank you to our event sponsors whose generosity will help provide Normalcy, Dignity, & Hope in the lives of displaced youth:

Title Sponsor:
Johnson Equipment

Platinum Sponsor:
Compassion for Kids

Gold Sponsor:
Irwin Steel
Kocian Law Firm

Silver Sponsor:
GST Manufacturing

Golf Ball & Golf Cart Sponsor:
CRNG Fleet

Breakfast Sponsor:
Frost Bank

Registration Sponsor:
Gehan Homes/Brightland Homes

Contest Sponsors:
Tri-County Electric
Medical City Alliance
Travis Matthews

Tee Box Sponsors:
Five Star Ford
Johnson Volk Consulting
Panther Air
North Texas Health Insurance
Refine-Med Spa

Swag Bag Sponsor:
Compassion for Kids

Pictured above: Johnson Equipment Team

1st Place Team – Jeremy Atkinson, Hunter Holloway, Cade Isham, Kallan Walters

2nd Place Team – Brandon Cox, Kevin Christ, Marc Luchessi, Jay Williams

Longest Drive Winner: Chandler Stialwalt



To see all the pictures from this event, click here to visit the album on Christ’s Haven’s Facebook page.

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother's Day

A day like Mother’s Day can be a day filled with conflicting and complicated emotions when you are caring for another mother’s child. At Christ’s Haven, we hold space for the mix of feelings and all of the mothers involved.

We honor the mothers who showed their bravery and love by raising their hands and asking for help.

We honor the houseparents who showed their bravery and love by stepping in no matter how short or long the period of time.

One of our houseparents shared this reflection about her role at Christ’s Haven:

“I’ve been a stepmom for much longer than I’ve been a housemom. And, yet, the two uncertainties are the same. Am I doing this right? How is this child feeling? Is he handling things well? Where could I do more? Where could I do less? As a biological mother, I know my role. I’m secure in how I perform those duties. As a support mom, my role is very gray. Am I helping or hurting? Is it even possible to really make a difference here?

But in those rare moments when the uncertainties settle, the goal becomes clear: just keep showing up. Regardless of the relationship we share with our parents, isn’t that all we really want? We desire the assurance that someone will always be there. So on those days when we housemoms don’t have a clue what we’re doing, we stick to what we know: keep showing up.”

Latest Updates: March 2023

Check out the latest updates from Christ’s Haven in our E-Messenger Newsletter.

In This Issue:

  • Child Abuse Prevention Month Art Installation
  • Professional Meet & Greet Recap
  • Take a Tour of Christ’s Haven
  • Host a Gift Card Drive
  • Beauty in the Chaos

CLICK HERE to read the March 2023 E-Messenger newsletter.

Family Resource Center Certification

Free Online Resource Library

Christ's Haven's Family Resource Center Recently Certified by National Family Support Network

Christ’s Haven’s Family Resource Center (FRC) was recently certified by the National Family Support Network in their Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. This is a significant step in the process of growing our FRC and ensuring that we are caring for families with excellence.

Our VP of Programs, Maddie Churchman, and Case Manager & FRC Coordinator, Rhonda Thomas-Peters, were trained and certified in the following 5 areas of practice:

Family Centeredness
Working with a family-centered approach that values families and recognizes them as integral to the Program.

Family Strengthening
Utilizing a family strengthening approach to support families to be strong, healthy, and safe, thereby promoting their success and optimal development.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Valuing, respecting, and embracing families’ diversity, and advancing equity and inclusion.

Community Strengthening
Developing a strong and healthy community by working collaboratively with various stakeholders and supporting families’ civic engagement, leadership development, and ability to effect systems change.

Looking at areas of program strength, as well as areas for further development, in order to guide continuous quality improvement and achieve positive results for families.

Free Online Resource Library

Our FRC continues to serve a growing number of families as we stand in the gap for families in need. Visit if you would like more information on receiving support.

We help families in need with weekly food boxes, free counseling, case management, crisis services, and parent/caregiver education.

Cooking Night at Christ’s Haven

Last night was Cooking Night! Across our neighborhood of homes, teens practiced life skills by preparing dinner.
  • Burgers
  • Chorizo Burritos
  • Flan
  • Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
  • Shrimp Alfredo
  • and more
The reviews are in = 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️